How to Care for Snakeskin Boots?

Snakeskin boots are a bold fashion statement and a status symbol. These boots are unique and premium and are known for the distinct pattern of snakeskin leather. Their unique texture adds to their charm, and you can use these boots with any outfit and attire. The best thing about snakeskin boots is their longevity since they can easily last up to a decade. However, that takes good care and maintenance. So, here we will explore how to care for snakeskin boots.

How to Care for Snakeskin Boots

How to care for snakeskin boots? Efficient ways every owner must know.

Here are all the tips you must know and follow if you want to take good care of your snakeskin boots to keep them looking good and last long.

1. Avoid exposing your snakeskin boots to water or moisture

Snakeskin leather is not very good against moisture, so you must protect them from it. The moisture could come from the weather (rain or snow), carelessness (dropping your drink over it), or the environment when you store these shoes carelessly.

So, the first tip to take good care of your snakeskin shoes is to avoid exposing them to water or moisture. You must be very careful with these shoes and skip the idea of wearing them when the weather is not right.

2. Be very gentle when cleaning your snakeskin boots.

If you go hard on your snakeskin boots when cleaning them, you risk damaging the original structure and scale texture of the leather. It is very important to use a soft and dry cloth for gently removing any dust from shoes. You must not use any harsh cleaning chemicals on these boots, and get professional services if you cannot clean them yourselves. Even using a cleaning brush that might be fine on cowhide or other leathers is not recommended with snakeskin boots.

3. Condition the leather regularly to keep it soft and flexible

Remember to condition your snakeskin boots regularly to maintain that flexibility and softness in the leather. It is important to use a conditioner that is good for snakeskin leather and start by test-applying it on the spot. This way, you will not damage your boots and will keep them in good shape since conditioning brings the following benefits:

  • Leather maintains its color and does not fade
  • Leather stays moist and flexible, so it does not crack
  • The material stays comfortable on your feet.

Snakeskin Chukka Boots

4. When you are not using these boots, you must store them correctly.

Correct storing is a part where many people make mistakes. There are multiple things that you need to take care of when storing the snakeskin boots, including:

  • Store them away from sunlight or heat
  • Protect snakeskin bootsfrom moisture
  • Use the original box, bag, or any cotton bag to store
  • Never put any weight over your snakeskin boots
  • Use a shoehorn or boot shaper to maintain shoe shape when not in use.
  • If storing for long condition lightly after 2-4 months

5. Rotate their usage with other boots to ensure they stay in good shape

If you introduce your boots to uncontrolled wear and tear, then they will lose their charm very quickly. So, instead of wearing the same pair of boots everywhere, you must rotate their usage. Paid your boots with 2 other pairs and never wear the same pair consecutively. It gives leather enough time to rest and maintain its shape, so it does not look worn out too quickly.

6. Snakeskin boots are not made for wearing in extreme weather conditions

Snakeskin boots are made for luxurious wearing, and these are not made to take up a lot of beating from the weather and environment. Wearing your snakeskin boots during harsh weather conditions will cause a lot of damage to them.

You must refrain from wearing these boots during hot, cold, and rainy weather to ensure that you don’t implicate any weather-induced damage to the leather. If you must, carry an extra pair of shoes to switch to before and after the main event so you maintain your style efficiently.

7. Maintain the looks of your snakeskin boots by carefully polishing them.

Leather requires polishing to not only maintain its shine but also requires it to maintain the natural oils in it. When polishing, you must choose the right polishing tool for snakeskin as recommended by the manufacturer. Similarly, pick the polish that is suitable for usage on this leather. Even application in adequate amounts will be fine with some soft strokes with polishing action.

Remember: Only polish snakeskin boots when necessary. Otherwise, you will damage the leather by using too much product.

8. Never avoid getting professional treatment at least twice a year.

No matter how well you are taking care of your snakeskin boots you must take professional treatment for them at least twice a year. It will be a sort of checkup for the health of your snakeskin boots where professionals will treat them the way your boots need. Their expertise and service with expert tools may come at a cost, but they will keep your luxury snakeskin boots in perfect health for years.


Snakeskin boots are more premium and elegant than other genuine leather shoes. It also means that you will need a little more care and attention for these boots. However, the reward for that added attention is also better and includes maintaining the elegance and structure of your boots. If you effectively implement the ways we discussed to care for your snakeskin boots, you can keep them looking like new for a long time.